Monday, April 20, 2015

~ Our Weekend Wrap-UP ~


I love lazy Saturday mornings.
Our only goal on Saturday was to organize the garage. This way we can start moving boxes from the house to the garage for our upcoming move.

While Aaron started organizing the garage, Hannah and I went to buy some delicious doughnuts. Hannah choose strawberry frosted with sprinkles, Aaron got a variety, and I stuck with the only doughnut I ever get, chocolate frosted.

After our not so healthy yet delicious breakfast, it was back to work.
Aaron and Hannah worked so hard. I didn't realize just how much stuff we had accumulated till we started doing this. There was also a lot of bug killing taking place. I am so grateful Aaron was able to do that because I hate bugs! 

Now, we have a very organized garage; however, it did come at a price. 

Hannah learned that gravity can sometimes suck. She tripped, at full three year old running speed, and went straight down on the concrete. She scraped up her elbow and knee pretty good. Luckily, Daddy hugs are very powerful and she was back helping in no time. 

That night, we rented the new movie, Penguins
Hannah found it hilarious and I have to agree. I told my Dad he has to rent it. 


I love Sundays!  
 I always feel inspired to work harder than I did the previous week.

This Sunday, one of the speakers talked about President Henry B. Eyring's talk from General Women's Conference. It was entitled, The Comforter. It talks about our responsibility to willingly help bear one another's burdens. Something I don't think I'm very good at but hope to improve on.

The rest of church went really well. As primary choirister, I get to listen to primary children singing these wonderful songs.
 Hannah was singing, I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, so loud and with such energy. I was one proud Mummy and primary choirister :)

The rest of the day was spent relaxing and eating my favourite homemade cookies, banana oatmeal chocolate chip : )

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