Tuesday, April 28, 2015

~ 37 Weeks Along With Lilly Belle ~

I am now officially considered full term!
So Lilly can come NOW . . . . . please.

I'm feeling good. I went and got my hair done by my friend Shelly (this pic was before.)
I'm trying to get as much of my house packed up before Lilly arrives. Not an easy task when you want to do this and that and your body says nope too much. . . frustrating!

In case you were wondering . . . .

Weight gain : At my last doctors appointment I weighed 158lbs. 
That is a total weight gain of 33lbs. 
158lbs was also the amount the weighed when I went into labor with Hannah.

Maternity Clothes : I think it is pretty evident now that I live in yoga pants and tank tops : )

Sleep : Who can really sleep at nine months pregnant when they have to get up and pee three times a night? Not me

Movement : Lilly is a fidget. I feel her moving throughout the day and I love it!

Sickness : I am still taking my anti nausea pills. Pregnancy really would be completely miserable without them.

Symptoms : I'm at that stage where it takes forever to get comfortable.
I'm also losing energy fast, and find myself having to take a nap in the middle of the day.

Belly Button/Ankles : My belly button is still in. . . . barely but yes still in.
My ankles on the other hand are starting to swell : (

Emotions : I'm so fed up with being big. I'm getting anxious because I still have a lot to do when it comes to preparing my house for a move. 
Mostly, I am excited to meet this little girl.

Looking Ahead : Still got to work on getting that hospital bag ready to go.

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