Sunday, May 18, 2014

~ Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Rebekah ~

Old Testament

wife of Issac, mother of Esau and Jacob

Genesis 24: 15-67, 25: 20-24, 28, 26: 35, 27: 5-13, 15-17, 46, 

Christlike Qualities
hardworking, charitable, faithful, virtuous, reverent, humble, modest

Whenever I think about Rebekah, I think of the song from the seminary Old Testament soundtrack. The song is called Marriage for Eternity, and it says this about Rebekah : "Like Rebekah, I shall for forsake the rest to marry in the covenant, and meet the Lord's request."
What does meet the Lord's request mean? Marriage for eternity is an essential part of Heavenly Father's plan of salvation. We have been promised that through obedience to the new and everlasting covenant of marriage, we may become like God and live forever as families in His presence. - (preparing for eternal marriage)  
Abraham understood that the Lord had a plan for his family. He did not want Issac to marry a daughter of the Canaanites, so he sent his servant away to find Issac a wife. 

I love the prayer this servant said in Genesis 24: 12 - 14 , "And he said, O Lord God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day, and shew kindness unto my master Abraham.
Behold, I stand here by the well of water; and the daughters of the men of the city come out to draw water:  And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: let the same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master."
In verse 15 it reads, "And it came to pass, before he had done speaking, that, behold, Rebekah came out.'  - Rebekah was an immediate answer to a very sincere and faith filled prayer. Verses 16 - 20 says, "And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her: and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up. And the servant ran to meet her, and said, Let me, I pray thee, drink a little water of thy pitcher. And she said, Drink, my lord: and she hasted, and let down her pitcher upon her hand, and gave him drink. And when she had done giving him drink, she said, I will draw water for thy camels also, until they have done drinking. And she hasted, and emptied her pitcher into the trough, and ran again unto the well to draw water, and drew for all his camels."  I love that the scriptures say the servant RAN to meet her. Then when the servant asked for a drink Rebekah immediately gave him something to drink. She was genuinely kind and charitable. She did not judge him or think twice about getting him something to drink. She simply saw someone in need. Rebekah is truly amazing! 

I love that Rebekah was a hardworking woman. She did not sit idly by waiting for her prince charming to arrive; she was continually working. Elder Richard G. Scott said, "If you are single and haven't identified a solid prospect for celestial marriage, live for it. Pray for it. Expect it in the timeline of the Lord. Do not compromise your standards in any way that would rule out the blessing on this or the other side of the veil." I remember, when I was a young single adult, just waiting and waiting for what seemed like an eternity for my future spouse to hurry up and find me. Even though I found myself discouraged at times, I would NOT drop my standards! I wanted, and was going to have, a temple marriage. I continued to work at making sure I was ready to enter the temple when the time came. We have been counseled over and over to use out time wisely. It is too easy to fall from the straight and narrow when we are idle or use our time unwisely. Stay away from those things that will lead us away from our goal of eternal life. 

Going back to Genesis 24 verse 54 - 58 says, "And they did eat and drink, he and the men that were with him, and tarried all night; and they rose up in the morning, and he said, Send me away unto my master. And her brother and her mother said, Let the damsel abide with us a few days, at the least ten; after that she shall go. And he said unto them, Hinder me not, seeing the Lord hath prospered my way; send me away that I may go to my master. And they said, We will call the damsel, and inquire at her mouth." Rebekah's answer was simple : "I will go." Rebekah was ready when called by the Lord. 

The last thing I want to talk about is when she went to meet Issac. In verse 65 it mentions that she took a veil and covered herself. What does this mean? In the January 2002 Ensign, Cynthia L, Hallen, wrote an article about Rebekah. She said this about the veil, "It was common for unmarried women in Rebekah’s day to go about in public with their faces unveiled. So when Rebekah put on a veil, it was a sign of her virtue, reverence, humility, and modesty and showed respect for her future spouse. Similarly, those who enter marriage today—both men and women—need the qualities of character Rebekah showed in this simple but dignified act."  

I have really come to love and respect Rebekah. I think she is a great example for our young women to follow.

 While looking at what Heather Farrell, from women in the scriptures, had to say about Rebekah.  I saw this article that she had posted. 

This is Julie B. Beck talking, 
"I spent quite a few months this last winter studying about Rebekah from the Old Testament. I have been taken by her mission and what she had to do... I have loved studying her characteristics, her circumstances, her blessings, her journeys, her family, her experiences, and her challenges. She had a very full mortal experience. It had its highs and its lows. I have learned that she was one of the most pivotal and important people in the history of mankind, certainly in the house of Israel. Without a Rebekah, the house of Israel would not have been brought forth. Without a Rebekah who knew who she was, the house of Israel would not have been brought forth. Without a Rebekah who knew her responsibilities in the house of Israel, that house would not have come to pass. Without a Rebekah who knew how to receive revelation, the house of Israel would not have been brought forth. Without a Rebekah who understood the blessings of the priesthood, the house of Israel would not have been brought forth.

The lesson for me in all the hours and months of studying Rebekah and her family is that each of us in our day is as important to our generation and to our time as Rebekah was in her time. We each are pivotal in our families, and the success of the house of Israel is now dependent on millions of Rebekah’s who understand what their place and mission is on the earth. Each of us is a daughter of heavenly parents, and as part of the house of Israel, we come from royal blood. When we choose our mission, we have power and influence in that royal house and in the Lord’s work. He is depending on us.

...If that one woman, that one Rebekah had failed in any part of her responsibility, how would the house of Israel have come forth? She understood and knew her importance, and she never lived to see the outcome of her commitment. Those blessings are just now beginning to unfold after these many thousands of generations, but her blessings are happening in the world. I can see the house of Israel being gathered up, the temples being built. That is what she invested her life for.

... I have a little exercise for those of you who want something specific to do in your scripture study. Get a new little copy of the Book of Mormon. In the front of it, open to a blank page and write three questions: Who am I? What are my responsibilities in the house of Israel? How do I fulfill my responsibilities? As you read and study, you will find some blank pages in the back. You can add Post-it notes if you like. Start writing your answers in the back as you read, and you will have a journey of discovery about who you are. It doesn’t matter how long this study takes. Take one month, take ten years, and discover who you are. When you finish studying those questions in the Book of Mormon, study them in the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Old Testament. The Lord knows who you are. He knows what your responsibilities are and how you can fulfill them. Power and strength will come to you as you understand who you are in the Lord’s kingdom."

I too want to take up Sister Beck's challenge while reading the Book of Mormon. I encourage all of you to do the same : )

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