Monday, March 17, 2014

~ Motivational Monday #1 ~

I saw this idea on Sprinkle of Glitter's blog and thought it was wonderful!
Every Monday she posts a motivational quote and I decided I want to do this too.

As most of you know, I recently found out that Aaron's deployment is being extended. This was extremely hard news to take and really tested my strength.

I could very easily have negative thoughts and feelings and feel sorry for myself. Instead I am reminded of how blessed my little family is. The fact that I get to communicate with Aaron almost everyday is a huge reason to smile. Knowing my Mum and Dad are only a two hour drive away is another. My biggest reason to smile everyday is because I get to spend all day with the cutest, funniest, most perfect two year old EVER!! She keeps me going everyday. 

What are your reasons to smile?

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