Friday, January 17, 2014

~ Women in the Scriptures Challenge : The Daughters of Men ~

Old Testament

Daughters of Men

Genesis 6: 2 - "That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose."
Moses 8:13-16 - verse 15 "And the Lord said unto Noah: The daughters of thy sons have sold themselves; for behold mine anger is kindled against the sons of men, for they will not hearken unto my voice."

Joseph Fielding Smith wrote: "Because the daughters of Noah married the sons of men contrary to the teachings of the Lord, his anger was kindled, and this offense was one cause that brought to pass the universal flood. You will see that the condition appears reversed in the Book of Moses. It was the daughters of of the sons of God who were marrying the sons of men, which was displeasing unto the Lord. The fact was, as we see it revealed, that the daughters who had been born under the covenant, and were the daughters of the sons of God, that is to say those who held the priesthood, were transgressing the commandment of the Lord and were marrying out of the church. Thus they were cutting themselves off from the blessings of the priesthood contrary to the teachings of Noah and the will of God."
page 53 old testament student manual

It has always been important to Heavenly Father that his children marry inside the Temple.
Thus allowing us to receive all his blessing including exaltation.

Bruce R. McConkie said, "The most important single thing that any Latter Day Saint ever does in this world is to marry the right person, in the right place, by the proper authority."

The right person - Knowing that my goal was to be sealed in the temple for time and all eternity, I only dated members of the church. I remember attending a youth fireside, and the leader asking how many of the youth believed it was ok to date a non member? I was shocked when almost all their hands went straight up in the air! I wanted a temple marriage and I could not meet that goal with a non member. Some of the youth argued that their are plenty of nice non members, and that one day they may even convert - President Spencer W. Kimball said, "The nonmember may be equally brilliant, well trained and attractive, and he or she may have the most pleasing personality, but without a common faith, trouble lies ahead for the marriage. There are some expectations but the rule is a harsh and unhappy one. There is no bias
nor prejudice in this doctrine. It is a matter of following a certain program to reach a definite goal." (pg 53-54 old testament student manual) President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “Your chances for a happy and lasting marriage will be far greater if you will date those who are active and faithful in the Church.” We would be wise to heed the counsels of our former prophets. I love this quote from Elder Richard G. Scott, "I suggest that you not ignore many possible candidates who are still developing these attributes, seeking the one who is perfected in them. You will likely not find that perfect person, and if you did, there would certainly be no interest in you. These attributes are best polished together as husband and wife." [“Receive the Temple Blessings,” Ensign, May 1999, 26] Remember we are marrying the right person not a perfect person . . . yet!

In the right place - President Hinckley said, "There is no substitute for marrying in the temple, It is the only place under the heavens where marriage can be solemnized for eternity. Don’t cheat yourself. Don’t cheat your companion. Don’t shortchange your lives" I will never forget the day I was sealed in the temple to my husband. The temple was beautiful! It was the best feeling in the world to know that I had waited for the right guy and the right place. Finally, my happy ever after was coming true. 

I am so grateful that the scriptures and the teachings from modern day prophets go hand in hand. I know that we do receive blessings by following the counsels of our prophets and general authorities. I am grateful for the amazing young women leaders who encouraged and helped me reach my goal of eternal marriage. 

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