Sunday, January 5, 2014

~ Women in the Scriptures Challenge ~

I will never forget one mutual activity we did called, "So you want to marry a Captain Moroni?" 
The most obvious reason was because YES I wanted to marry a Captain Moroni. The other reason was because it opened my eyes to the women in the scriptures, and all the wonderful things we can learn from them. For example, one young woman was told look up the qualities of Nephi's wife. We learnt that Nephi's wife was faithful, strong (spiritually and physically,) quick to repent, and willing to change. I know that  there is so much more to learn from the Women in the Scriptures, named and unnamed, and for this reason I want to take . . .

The Women in the Scriptures Challenge

1. Read the ENTIRE standard work 
(ideally in the course of a year; however I am going to take my time) 

2. Keep a journal of all the women you find mentioned, this includes named and unnamed women. 
(this should be a journal just dedicated to the women in the scriptures)

3. In this journal write down questions, thoughts or inspirations that come to you as you read about these women's lives.
- what is unique about this woman and her story?
- how does she fit into the time period she lived?
- what Christlike qualities does she exemplify?
- what would I ask her if I could meet her?
- how can I relate to her?
- what can I (or someone else I know) learn from her experience?

4. Let God teach you new truths about what it means to be a daughter of God.

challenge created by

New Testament

Book of Mormon

Doctrine and Covenants

Pearl of Great Price

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