Sunday, January 5, 2014

~ Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Sariah ~

Book of Mormon

wife of Lehi, mother of Laman, Lemuel, Sam, Nephi, Jacob, and Joseph

Sariah (with her family) left her home, friends, comforts, and obediently departed into the wilderness. Her testimony was greatly strengthen after a trial of her faith. she was not mentioned complaining in the Book of Mormon again.

When I was younger, I always disliked reading 1st Nephi chapter five. I thought Sariah was such a complainer! (I think I would have been quite annoyed that the one story about me was that I complained )I have, thankfully, had a change of heart after I tried to better understand Sariah.

* The first thing I noticed about Sariah was that she was called a "goodly parent". (1st Nephi 1:1) 
L. Tom Perry at the April, 1985, general conference said this, What a blessing it would be to have it said of all fathers and mothers that they were goodly parents, righteous parents, active parents, faithful parents, exemplary parents, celestial parents."  I love that this is the first thing Nephi wrote because all around us the family unit is falling apart. It was President David O McKay who said, "No other success can compensate for failure in the home." No career, amount of money, or success will mean anything if we fail as parents.

How can I do better in my role as a mother?

* Sariah's home was a place where the spirit was present.
 I love verse seven in chapter one which talks about Lehi returning home and being carried away in a vision (1:8). I have often thought about the importance of Lehi having this vision while at home. Their home was a place where the spirit was present and felt. We too should be having spiritual experiences while at home as we pray, read our scriptures, and serve our family members. Likewise, we need to help our children recognize the presence of the Holy Ghost in their lives. 

Are their things in my home preventing the spirit from being present?

* Sariah supported her husband. (1:18-19) 
I am sure it must have been quite scary for Sariah to let her husband preach to the people. These are people who have "cast out, stoned, and slain" prophets of old. (1:20)  But, Lehi knew he needed to put his vision into action and call the people to repentance. Although my husband isn't in Lehi's situation (maybe a little bit because he is deployed at the moment) but he does have church callings and responsibilities that take a lot of his time. Showing support for my husband makes it easier on both Aaron and myself.

How can I increase in my support and love for my husband?

* Sariah was obedient. (1st Nephi 2:4)
I have always wondered what Sariah's reaction was about leaving Jerusalem? I wonder if she might have been somewhat grateful to move away from people who were seeking to kill her husband. One thing we do know is that her testimony came later on in the scriptures, meaning her journey into the wilderness was purely based on faith. I really loved President Thomas S. Monson's talk about Obedience from April 2013 conference. He mentioned that, "a knowledge of truth and the answers to our greatest questions come to us as we are obedient to the commandments of God."  I didn't have to leave my home and depart into the wilderness; however, my family and I did leave our home in England to start a new life in Southern California. My parents, after prayer and fasting, knew this was the right decision for our family. I was a bit more skeptical about it, but I can honestly saying that being obedient to the Lord has truly blessed our family. 

*Sariah knew the importance of repentance (1st Nephi 5:8)
Former Relief Society President, Barbara B. Smith said this about Sariah, "Sariah, the wife of Nephi, had the wrenching experience of leaving her home and possessions, to travel in the wilderness. We are not told of the trials she may have experienced; but going on foot, living in tents, and cooking over an open fire could have been devastating after the comfortable life in Jerusalem." 
It is only Sariah believes her sons are dead that the complaining starts. (5:2) The joy she must have felt when she saw her sons return. I love verse eight, "Now I know of a surety that the Lord hath commanded my husband to flee into the wilderness; yea, and I also know of a surety that the Lord hath protected my sons, and delivered them out of the hands of Laban, and given them power whereby they could accomplish the thing which the Lord hath commanded them."  What a powerful testimony.  

How can I go through trials without complaining?

I love Sariah. I think she is a wonderful example of a righteous woman. I also find it pretty unbelievable that she managed to keep up with Ishmael's daughters in the wilderness. Think about it, Sariah was also bearing children while traveling through the wilderness, and she probably twice their age! Oh and she did it without complaining. Sariah is a great example that even if our circumstances don't change (she traveled the wilderness for a long time) our attitudes can! AMAZING!!

image from
these are my thoughts and opinions on Sariah

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