Wednesday, January 22, 2014

~ Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Sarah ~

Old Testament

wife of Abraham, mother of Issac

Genesis 11;29, 30, 12:11-20, 13:1, 16:1-6, 17:15-17, 19, 21 18:6, 9-15, 20:2-7, 11-16, 21:1-2, 6-7, 9-10, 23:1-2, 19
Isaiah 51:2, Romans 4:19, Hebrew 11:11, 1 Peter 3:6, 2 Nephi 8:2, Doctrine and Covenants 132:65, Abraham 2:2, 4, 22-25

Christlike Qualities
love, patience, faithfulness, humility, contentment,loyalty, supportive, 

When we read about Sarah, I think we all think about what a miracle it was that she was able to conceive and bear Issac. As I study and learn more about this remarkable woman, one verse really sticks out. Genesis chapter eighteen verse fourteen - "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" What an incredible verse of scripture! I need to remember this verse a bit more in my own life. I know it can bring such comfort because of the truthfulness of it - "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" The answer is simple, no. 

Sarah could not conceive a child, yet Abraham was told that his seed would be numbered like that dust of the earth (Genesis 13:16) and the stars in the sky (Genesis 15:5) 

I have wondered how hard this must have been for Sarah? 

This is why I think Sarah is so amazing - She knew she couldn't give Abraham a child, so she gave Abraham Hagar, her handmaid Thus allowing Abraham the opportunity to have children by Hagar.

I think this act, though not uncommon for the time, must have taken a great act of faith and humility. I love that this was Sarah's idea. I think it tells us a lot about Sarah's character.

When Sarah is ninety years old, the Lord tells Abraham that he will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations. (Genesis 17:16) Sarah laughs to herself because she doesn't understand how, at her age, this could happen. Then come Genesis 18:14 - "Is any thing too hard for the Lord?"
Reminding us the need to have faith in the Lord's power and timing. 

Sarah was able to bear Issac and provide for him until his celebration of the weaning. A ceremony to celebrate a child surviving infancy. I also think this was a big deal for Sarah as well because she was able to provide him food, and care for those first three - four years of his life. 

I remember the joy and love I felt when I held my daughter, Hannah. I can not even imagine how it must have felt for Sarah to hold her son, after giving up hope of ever having a child. It must have been feelings of such joy, love, and gratitude to Heavenly Father times a hundred : )

Sarah lived to be one hundred and twenty seven years old and was buried in the cave of Machpelah at Hebron.

I still feel that I have a lot to learn from Sarah, and I will continue to learn and grow from her wonderful example. She really teaches us how to support our husbands, how to remain faithful even through trials, and how to be humble.

I can honestly say that I have grown to love Sarah.

picture from

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