Thursday, January 23, 2014

~ Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Hagar ~

Old Testament

handmaid to Sarah, became a wife to Abraham, and mother of Ishmael
Genesis 16, 21:9-21, 25:12
Doctrine and Covenants 132:34, 65

Christlike Qualities
humility, love, perseverance, 

Last Sunday at Stake Conference, we listened to a live broadcast from Salt Lake. One of the speakers was Elder Neil L Anderson, and he said something that I feel really applies to the story of Hagar, and us as well. He said, "The Lord is in the details of our lives." After he said that I remember instantly feeling the Holy Ghost testify that this is true. The Lord is always present in our lives. He knows us, cares about us, and loves us. When I read the story of Hagar, I feel this sweet testimony of the Lord's love for us.

When Sarah couldn't have children, she told Abraham to marry Hagar. This way Hagar could give Abraham a child. Abraham marries Hagar and Hagar become pregnant. While pregnant, Sarah and Hagar's relationship becomes stressful and Hagar flees. The angel of the Lord finds Hagar by a fountain of water and asks her, "Hagar (calling her by name), Sarai's maid, whence camest thou? and whither wilt thou go?" (Genesis 16:8) He then tells her, "Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself unto her. . . .  The Lord has heard thy affliction." (Genesis 16:9-10) The angel of the Lord explains to Hagar that her seed will multiply, and that she will bear a son, and she will call him Ishmael. Verse thirteen in chapter sixteen has to be one of my favourites, it says, "And she called the name of the Lord that spake unto her, Thou God seest me. . . "

What a beautiful testimony! Hagar now knows that she is important to the Lord. That the Lord sees her and is aware of her trials. Knowing this must make it easier to return to Sarah. I remember a time in my life when I was really contemplating whether or not the Lord knew me as an individual. While attending a women's conference, I felt the Holy Ghost testify to me that I AM a daughter of my Heavenly Father, that HE LOVES ME and is aware of my needs. I felt as if I was being hugged by my Heavenly Father and since then I have never questioned his love again. Reading this story reminds me of my own experience which in turns reminds me of the love Heavenly Father has for each of us.

Hagar has another similar experience in Genesis chapter twenty one. Hagar and her son, Ishmael, have been told to leave. They were given some water and bread while they wandered in the wilderness. After the water was gone, Hagar knew that her and her son would die. She started to weep. (verse 16) Once God heard this, an angel of God called to Hagar and said, " . . . . Fear not; for God has heard the voice of the lad. . . . . Arise, lift up the lad, for I will make him a great nation. And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water, and she went, and filled the bottle with water." (verse 17-19) 

Again, we are not forgotten. The Lord is ever present in the details of our lives. 
I'm so thankful that I got to study and get to know such a sweet and precious daughter of Heavenly Father. 

  picture from

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