Wednesday, January 29, 2014

~ What's in my Primary Chorister Bag? ~

Sorry, I meant to post this sooner but I got really busy.
Here is what I took to singing time this week . . . . 

This is my bag. I fill it with all the supplies I need for the day.

For nursery this week, I did Old McDonald had a Farm with the animal puppets. I also did the wiggle worms. Each child picked a worm and together we sang the song that was wrote on the back. 
The nursery children are so fun to sing with because they get so excited!! 

For junior primary this week, we reviewed the song, He Sent His Son, with the flashcards. I also did the Do as I'm Doing Popsicle sticks when I felt like the children needed to wiggle around a bit. We finished by singing He Sent His Son again. 

idea for the flashcards click here
do as I'm doing cards click here

For senior primary this week, we played, Don't Forget the Lyrics!!  I put all the word strips on the board, then divided the children into two teams. I then called the children up two at a time and handed them a (clean) fly swatter. I would read a line from the song and they would have to find the word I missed; for example, "How could the father tell the ________." The first child to hit the word world would win a point for their team. They loved this game and once we were done we sang through the song a couple of times. 

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