Wednesday, January 1, 2014

~ A New Year ~

It's 2014!!

I'm one of those people who loves to make new year resolutions. My husband is not so he likes to make fun of me. I find that there is just something energizing, and motivating about starting a new year. This past month, I have really been thinking about some things I want to do that will truly benefit my life and my families. 

Spiritual Goals
1. Daily Family and personal prayer and scripture study
while reading the scriptures I want to focus on what I can learn from the women in the scriptures
2. Weekly Family Home Evenings

Family Goals
1. Get out of debt
2. Learn to save
3. Do more planned family activities
- not just walking around target or watching a movie

Personal Goals
1. Make working out and eating better a part of my everyday life
2. Stress less
3. Work on improving my blog
4. Read seventy five books
-I have really fallen in love with reading 

Alright, I think I am going to stop there because I don't want to overwhelm myself : )
oh but the best thing about 2014 is my husband is coming home this year!!! 

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