Wednesday, January 29, 2014

~ What's in my Primary Chorister Bag? ~

Sorry, I meant to post this sooner but I got really busy.
Here is what I took to singing time this week . . . . 

This is my bag. I fill it with all the supplies I need for the day.

For nursery this week, I did Old McDonald had a Farm with the animal puppets. I also did the wiggle worms. Each child picked a worm and together we sang the song that was wrote on the back. 
The nursery children are so fun to sing with because they get so excited!! 

For junior primary this week, we reviewed the song, He Sent His Son, with the flashcards. I also did the Do as I'm Doing Popsicle sticks when I felt like the children needed to wiggle around a bit. We finished by singing He Sent His Son again. 

idea for the flashcards click here
do as I'm doing cards click here

For senior primary this week, we played, Don't Forget the Lyrics!!  I put all the word strips on the board, then divided the children into two teams. I then called the children up two at a time and handed them a (clean) fly swatter. I would read a line from the song and they would have to find the word I missed; for example, "How could the father tell the ________." The first child to hit the word world would win a point for their team. They loved this game and once we were done we sang through the song a couple of times. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Book Review : Elemental Series Books One - Four ~

Book Nine : Secret by Brigid Kemmerer
(book four in the Elemental Series)

This is book four in the Elemental Series, and I loved it!! 

I do have to start by saying I absolutely HATE the covers!!!! 

See what I mean!? Yeah I decided these books were perfect for my kindle : )

This series follows the Merrick brothers, Michael, twins Gabriel and Nicholas, Chris, and their enemy turned friend, Hunter Garrity.

Each book follows one of the five guys. Storm is Chris's story, Spark is Gabriel's Story, Spirit is Hunter's story, Secret is Nicholas's secret, and Sacrifice is Michael's story (due to be released in September 2014.) I thought that was a nice spin on a series, and something you don't see very often. I also love that each book picks up where the last book ended, it just has a different main character. 

Oh and I should tell you that each brother has power over a different element. Michael - Earth, Gabriel - Fire, Nick - Air, and Chris - Water. Hunter is called a fifth which means he can feel and have power over all four elements. The five of them together are extremely powerful. I wasn't sure if I would like this "element" aspect of the book, but I really love it. : )

These books are easy to read and easy to get lost in. They are one hundred percent addictive! I think I read the first three books plus the three novellas in a week. I just could not put them down! Once I finished one I had to go straight into the next.

My favourite book so far has to be Spark. I love love love Gabriel, but each book has been amazing. There are some additional characters throughout the book who also have great character growth and development. My favourite supporting character you'll read about a little bit in each book; however, he really develops in book four, and I loved him. I won't say who . . . . . you'll have to read them : )

I would recommend these books to girls age fourteen up.
There is a lot of action but there is also a lot of cheesy lovey dovey scenes as well - everything I love in a young adult book!!

There are also three novellas in this series that I would recommend reading as well.

They give a little bit more info on Michael, Hunter, and Nicholas.

images from goodreads

Friday, January 24, 2014

~ Friday Flashback : Disneyland ~

This was by far one my favourite trips to Disneyland!
The rain actually worked out well because hardly anyone was there. . . = small lines : )

Ella showing us her ticket and waiting in the rain for the tram to come pick us up

Josh and Grace became good buddies during their holiday.

I was so excited to be reunited with one of the coolest girls I know!!! 
She didn't have a choice . . . . she was my disneyland buddy

I'm not too sure how to describe this picture but I love the Umbrella Simon

Ashlyn wasn't too sure about the characters

Gracie loved them and Minnie Mouse loved Gracie! 


Minnie Mouse's house was AMAZING!! Even Josh loved it!!

Waiting in line for the Dumbo ride : )

Meeting Mickey Mouse


Ella posing with my very popular umbrella and pictures with Tigger.
Ashlyn just did not like them : )

Princesses Forever!

Ok who is ready to go again?
 : )

~ Women in the Scripture Challenge : Lot's Wife ~

Old Testament

Lot's Wife

Genesis 19:26 - "But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt."
Luke 17:32 - "Remember Lot's wife."

I just wanna scream, "DON'T LOOK BACK!" It was so simple! Why did she look back? Elder Bruce R. McConkie said, "Look not back to Sodom and the wealth and luxury you are leaving. Stay not in the burning house, in the hope of salvaging your treasures, lest the flame destroy you; but flee, flee to the mountains. Seek temporal things and lose eternal life; sacrifice the things of this life and gain eternal life." -old testament student manual page 76 

I love how Elder McConkie is warning all of us not to only seek temporal things that we forget about the spiritual things. Do we have "favourite sins" that we just aren't willing to give up yet? Are there things in our life that are holding us back from attaining eternal life? I know in my own life, for example, I love going on Pinterest. Now this isn't a bad thing; however going on Pinterest for say two hours and in turn not having tome to read my scriptures isn't good. What are we willing to let go to know our Heavenly Father better? A favourite tv show? A sporting event taking place on a Sunday? Social status? etc . . .  Let us not do as Lot's wife did and "look back" on temporal things, but learn to let go and strive to do better. 

Elder Jeffery R. Holland gave a wonderful talk (which I'll link here) about remembering Lot's wife. He said, "It is possible that Lot’s wife looked back with resentment toward the Lord for what He was asking her to leave behind. We certainly know that Laman and Lemuel were resentful when Lehi and his family were commanded to leave Jerusalem. So it isn’t just that she looked back; she looked back longingly. In short, her attachment to the past outweighed her confidence in the future. That, apparently, was at least part of her sin."

I also thought about Laman and Lemuel when I read about Lot's wife. Reminding me that I need to continue to develop my testimony so I don't lack faith in my Heavenly Father and his plan for me. 

one of my favourite talks by Dallin H. Oakes - Good, Better, Best

picture from wikipedia

Thursday, January 23, 2014

~ Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Hagar ~

Old Testament

handmaid to Sarah, became a wife to Abraham, and mother of Ishmael
Genesis 16, 21:9-21, 25:12
Doctrine and Covenants 132:34, 65

Christlike Qualities
humility, love, perseverance, 

Last Sunday at Stake Conference, we listened to a live broadcast from Salt Lake. One of the speakers was Elder Neil L Anderson, and he said something that I feel really applies to the story of Hagar, and us as well. He said, "The Lord is in the details of our lives." After he said that I remember instantly feeling the Holy Ghost testify that this is true. The Lord is always present in our lives. He knows us, cares about us, and loves us. When I read the story of Hagar, I feel this sweet testimony of the Lord's love for us.

When Sarah couldn't have children, she told Abraham to marry Hagar. This way Hagar could give Abraham a child. Abraham marries Hagar and Hagar become pregnant. While pregnant, Sarah and Hagar's relationship becomes stressful and Hagar flees. The angel of the Lord finds Hagar by a fountain of water and asks her, "Hagar (calling her by name), Sarai's maid, whence camest thou? and whither wilt thou go?" (Genesis 16:8) He then tells her, "Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself unto her. . . .  The Lord has heard thy affliction." (Genesis 16:9-10) The angel of the Lord explains to Hagar that her seed will multiply, and that she will bear a son, and she will call him Ishmael. Verse thirteen in chapter sixteen has to be one of my favourites, it says, "And she called the name of the Lord that spake unto her, Thou God seest me. . . "

What a beautiful testimony! Hagar now knows that she is important to the Lord. That the Lord sees her and is aware of her trials. Knowing this must make it easier to return to Sarah. I remember a time in my life when I was really contemplating whether or not the Lord knew me as an individual. While attending a women's conference, I felt the Holy Ghost testify to me that I AM a daughter of my Heavenly Father, that HE LOVES ME and is aware of my needs. I felt as if I was being hugged by my Heavenly Father and since then I have never questioned his love again. Reading this story reminds me of my own experience which in turns reminds me of the love Heavenly Father has for each of us.

Hagar has another similar experience in Genesis chapter twenty one. Hagar and her son, Ishmael, have been told to leave. They were given some water and bread while they wandered in the wilderness. After the water was gone, Hagar knew that her and her son would die. She started to weep. (verse 16) Once God heard this, an angel of God called to Hagar and said, " . . . . Fear not; for God has heard the voice of the lad. . . . . Arise, lift up the lad, for I will make him a great nation. And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water, and she went, and filled the bottle with water." (verse 17-19) 

Again, we are not forgotten. The Lord is ever present in the details of our lives. 
I'm so thankful that I got to study and get to know such a sweet and precious daughter of Heavenly Father. 

  picture from

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

~ Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Sarah ~

Old Testament

wife of Abraham, mother of Issac

Genesis 11;29, 30, 12:11-20, 13:1, 16:1-6, 17:15-17, 19, 21 18:6, 9-15, 20:2-7, 11-16, 21:1-2, 6-7, 9-10, 23:1-2, 19
Isaiah 51:2, Romans 4:19, Hebrew 11:11, 1 Peter 3:6, 2 Nephi 8:2, Doctrine and Covenants 132:65, Abraham 2:2, 4, 22-25

Christlike Qualities
love, patience, faithfulness, humility, contentment,loyalty, supportive, 

When we read about Sarah, I think we all think about what a miracle it was that she was able to conceive and bear Issac. As I study and learn more about this remarkable woman, one verse really sticks out. Genesis chapter eighteen verse fourteen - "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" What an incredible verse of scripture! I need to remember this verse a bit more in my own life. I know it can bring such comfort because of the truthfulness of it - "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" The answer is simple, no. 

Sarah could not conceive a child, yet Abraham was told that his seed would be numbered like that dust of the earth (Genesis 13:16) and the stars in the sky (Genesis 15:5) 

I have wondered how hard this must have been for Sarah? 

This is why I think Sarah is so amazing - She knew she couldn't give Abraham a child, so she gave Abraham Hagar, her handmaid Thus allowing Abraham the opportunity to have children by Hagar.

I think this act, though not uncommon for the time, must have taken a great act of faith and humility. I love that this was Sarah's idea. I think it tells us a lot about Sarah's character.

When Sarah is ninety years old, the Lord tells Abraham that he will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations. (Genesis 17:16) Sarah laughs to herself because she doesn't understand how, at her age, this could happen. Then come Genesis 18:14 - "Is any thing too hard for the Lord?"
Reminding us the need to have faith in the Lord's power and timing. 

Sarah was able to bear Issac and provide for him until his celebration of the weaning. A ceremony to celebrate a child surviving infancy. I also think this was a big deal for Sarah as well because she was able to provide him food, and care for those first three - four years of his life. 

I remember the joy and love I felt when I held my daughter, Hannah. I can not even imagine how it must have felt for Sarah to hold her son, after giving up hope of ever having a child. It must have been feelings of such joy, love, and gratitude to Heavenly Father times a hundred : )

Sarah lived to be one hundred and twenty seven years old and was buried in the cave of Machpelah at Hebron.

I still feel that I have a lot to learn from Sarah, and I will continue to learn and grow from her wonderful example. She really teaches us how to support our husbands, how to remain faithful even through trials, and how to be humble.

I can honestly say that I have grown to love Sarah.

picture from

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

~ Care Package #7 ~

Aaron has been talking about working out more while deployed.
This gave me an idea for a "fitness box."

When we lived in Monterey, Aaron insisted on buying the Insanity Workout. 
It really is insane but the trainer, Shaun T, is hilarious. 
The box says one of my favourite Shaun T quotes, "30 Second water break people, this isn't a coffee break!" 
Hopefully Aaron finds it funny : )

Inside I filled it with energy bars,
trail mix, 
gatorade powder,
a workout shirt,
and men's health magazine

Monday, January 20, 2014

~ Care Package #6 ~

So it looks like the Denver Bronco's and the Seattle Seahawk's are heading to the Superbowl.

I thought I would put together a football box for Aaron

I found some fun football paper at Hobby Lobby : )

inside I filled it with
beef jerky,
sunflower seeds,
reeses peanut butter cups,
a pepsi, 
and a football!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

~ Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Noah's Wife ~

Old Testament

Noah's Wife
wife of Noah, mother of Japheth, Shem, and Ham

Genesis 6:18, 7:7 and 13, 8:16 and 18
Moses 8:12

Christlike Qualities
patience, goodness, faithfulness, humility, courage, confidence, availability, conviction, supportive

When I was reading about Noah, and trying to learn more about his wife, one question kept coming into my mind . . . . . How do you stay righteous when everyone around you is falling into wickedness? 
During this time in the Old Testament, the people were so wicked that the Lord was going to destroy them with a flood. However, Noah, his wife, and three sons (and their wives) remained righteous and were blessed because of that righteousness. 
Being a mother, I often wonder what I can do to help Hannah remain strong in the gospel when others are not. From studying Noah's wife, I have found strength in being able to raise righteous children. She must have been a strong woman. A woman who had her own personal testimony of the gospel. A woman who supported her husband as a prophet and patriarch of their family. The gospel, and therefore the spirit, must have been present in their home. Her and her husband taught their children the gospel. She must have been hard working and full of patience. Yes, Noah's wife is a wonderful example.

How can I better follow her example?
1. continue to develop my own personal testimony of my Heavenly Father and his plan.
2. Never be ashamed or embarrassed to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 
3. Study the words of the prophet and general authorities, and follow their counsel. 
4. Strive to have the spirit present in my home by having family prayer, family scripture study and family home evening. 
5. Teach Hannah the importance of being a daughter of a Heavenly Father.
6. Work on building Christlike attributes.

When we are striving to do what is right, the Lord will bless us. One of my favourite quotes comes from President Thomas S. Monson -  "If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow. There is no friendship more valuable than your own clear conscience, your own moral cleanliness—and what a glorious feeling it is to know that you stand in your appointed place clean and with the confidence that you are worthy to do so." 

image from

Friday, January 17, 2014

~ Women in the Scriptures Challenge : The Daughters of Men ~

Old Testament

Daughters of Men

Genesis 6: 2 - "That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose."
Moses 8:13-16 - verse 15 "And the Lord said unto Noah: The daughters of thy sons have sold themselves; for behold mine anger is kindled against the sons of men, for they will not hearken unto my voice."

Joseph Fielding Smith wrote: "Because the daughters of Noah married the sons of men contrary to the teachings of the Lord, his anger was kindled, and this offense was one cause that brought to pass the universal flood. You will see that the condition appears reversed in the Book of Moses. It was the daughters of of the sons of God who were marrying the sons of men, which was displeasing unto the Lord. The fact was, as we see it revealed, that the daughters who had been born under the covenant, and were the daughters of the sons of God, that is to say those who held the priesthood, were transgressing the commandment of the Lord and were marrying out of the church. Thus they were cutting themselves off from the blessings of the priesthood contrary to the teachings of Noah and the will of God."
page 53 old testament student manual

It has always been important to Heavenly Father that his children marry inside the Temple.
Thus allowing us to receive all his blessing including exaltation.

Bruce R. McConkie said, "The most important single thing that any Latter Day Saint ever does in this world is to marry the right person, in the right place, by the proper authority."

The right person - Knowing that my goal was to be sealed in the temple for time and all eternity, I only dated members of the church. I remember attending a youth fireside, and the leader asking how many of the youth believed it was ok to date a non member? I was shocked when almost all their hands went straight up in the air! I wanted a temple marriage and I could not meet that goal with a non member. Some of the youth argued that their are plenty of nice non members, and that one day they may even convert - President Spencer W. Kimball said, "The nonmember may be equally brilliant, well trained and attractive, and he or she may have the most pleasing personality, but without a common faith, trouble lies ahead for the marriage. There are some expectations but the rule is a harsh and unhappy one. There is no bias
nor prejudice in this doctrine. It is a matter of following a certain program to reach a definite goal." (pg 53-54 old testament student manual) President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “Your chances for a happy and lasting marriage will be far greater if you will date those who are active and faithful in the Church.” We would be wise to heed the counsels of our former prophets. I love this quote from Elder Richard G. Scott, "I suggest that you not ignore many possible candidates who are still developing these attributes, seeking the one who is perfected in them. You will likely not find that perfect person, and if you did, there would certainly be no interest in you. These attributes are best polished together as husband and wife." [“Receive the Temple Blessings,” Ensign, May 1999, 26] Remember we are marrying the right person not a perfect person . . . yet!

In the right place - President Hinckley said, "There is no substitute for marrying in the temple, It is the only place under the heavens where marriage can be solemnized for eternity. Don’t cheat yourself. Don’t cheat your companion. Don’t shortchange your lives" I will never forget the day I was sealed in the temple to my husband. The temple was beautiful! It was the best feeling in the world to know that I had waited for the right guy and the right place. Finally, my happy ever after was coming true. 

I am so grateful that the scriptures and the teachings from modern day prophets go hand in hand. I know that we do receive blessings by following the counsels of our prophets and general authorities. I am grateful for the amazing young women leaders who encouraged and helped me reach my goal of eternal marriage. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

~ Eclair Cake ~

Eclair Cake

My sister, Kerri, made this cake for dessert one evening, and it was delicious. 
I knew I had to make it for my family.

It is so easy to make!

ingredients for the crust
one cup of water
half a cup of butter
one cup of flour
four eggs
half a teaspoon of vanilla

1. Boil butter and water together, mix in flour. Beat in eggs one at a time until each egg is combined. Add vanilla.

2. Spread in a greased 9x13 pan, and bake at 400 degress for twenty five to thirty minutes. let cool.

ingredients for the filling
one (six ounce) box of vanilla instant pudding
eight ounces of cream cheese, softened
three cups of milk
twelve ounces of whipped topping
chocolate syrup for drizzling

1. Mix the milk and cream cheese together, adding a little bit of milk at a time. Mix in pudding and beat until thick.

2. I let my pudding mix set in the fridge for a couple hours, then stir and pour over crust. Or you can pour it over crust right after step one.

3. Add whipped topping ( I used cool whip)

4. Drizzle with chocolate syrup

and enjoy!!

original recipe

~ Two Month Update ~

The Craig Family's Two Month Update
I can not believe it has been two months already!!
I was so sure that January would DRAG, but it has been flying by : )

Aaron is doing really well. Everyone always asks me what he does out there, honestly, I have no idea! I do know that he gets along with the guys he is with and has enough down time to play his X Box.
We talk everyday, usually twice a day. Mostly, just through messages but we also Skype a few times a week and once in a while talk on the phone. I know I am really lucky to be able to communicate so much with Aaron.  

Hannah is doing really well. She does miss Daddy a lot at night, because Aaron is the one who puts her to bed. Hannah gets very excited when she skypes with Aaron. She shows him all her toys!
The other day she looked at a picture of Aaron and said, "My hunny." It was really cute!!
Hannah is enjoying playing with all the toys she received at Christmas which means her room is always a mess : )

I am also doing good. I received a calling at church. I am now the primary chorister. I know nothing about leading music or reading music so it has been interesting, but I am learning a lot. The kids are a blast to work with!! 
I keep myself really busy with my calling, my friends, my blog, reading, keeping the house clean, and running around after Hannah. 

I am so happy that two months is over with!!! 
Hopefully only five more to go! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

~ Book Review : Unravel Me ~

Book Eight : Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi
(book two in the Shatter Me trilogy)

The thought of laying a hand on someone brings back a world of memories, feelings, a flush of power I experience only when I make contact with skin not immune to my own. It's a rush of invincibility; a tormented kind of euphoria; a wave of intensity flooding every pore in my body. I don't know what it will do to me. I don't know if I can trust myself to take pleasure in someone else's pain. All I know is that Warner's last words are caught in my chest and I can't cough out the cold or the truth hacking at the back of my throat. Adam has no idea that Warner can touch me. No one does. Warner was supposed to be dead. Warner was supposed to be dead because I was supposed to have shot him but no one supposed I'd need to know how to fire a gun so now I suppose he's come to find me. He's come to fight. For me.

Juliette has escaped to Omega Point. It is a place for people like her—people with gifts—and it is also the headquarters of the rebel resistance.

She's finally free from The Reestablishment, free from their plan to use her as a weapon, and free to love Adam. But Juliette will never be free from her lethal touch.

Or from Warner, who wants Juliette more than she ever thought possible.

In this exhilarating sequel to Shatter Me, Juliette has to make life-changing decisions between what she wants and what she thinks is right. Decisions that might involve choosing between her heart—and Adam's life.

My Thoughts : I HATE HATE HATE love triangles mixed with a whiny girl who can't make up her mind between one or the other. Juliette annoyed so much it was hard to keep going. There was too many pages about how she loves Adam but feels something for Warner. Frustrating!!

Trying to put the love triangle aside, I quite enjoyed the book. I found the story line to be really exciting and gripping. I absolutely loved Kenji in this book. He brought the comic relief that was so desperately needed. I also loved the way he spoke to Juliette. He told her exactly what he thought, yet he also helped her as well. Kenji and Juliette have a really nice friendship, I loved reading their scenes. I also found him to be a really grounded character which was refreshing to read. 

I'm not sure what to make of Warner anymore. I hated him in Shatter Me, felt sorry for him in Destroy Me and now he is getting in the way of Adam and Juliette's happily ever after. He is such a complex character. I go through so many different emotions when I'm reading about him. I just don't know what to think about it all.

Lastly, there is Adam. I feel for him. I can understand why he is trying so hard to stay with Juliette. I think he is such a fighter! I am one hundred percent team Adam!

I just have to mention, randomly, how incredibly beautiful these covers are. I love how chilling yet fascinating they are. I see the covers and I have to pick up the book. 

Overall I think if you loved the first book then you will really enjoy this one too. I think the book ended in a way that made me really excited for the final book, Ignite Me. I'm really excited to see even more character growth from Juliette. I really think she can do anything.
I gave it four out of five stars

image from goodreads

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...