Thursday, December 5, 2013

Blogmas Day Five : I Am a Mother

When I was in my early twenties, I worked at an after school program with children aged five through twelve. I absolutely loved the children and felt privledged to work with them. It taught me a lot about myself. One thing I realized was how blessed I am to be apart of my family. I have a mother and a father who both love the Lord and strived hard to raise righteous children. I also realized that I never wanted my children to be in a program like this because I wanted to be a stay at home mother. I understand that this doesn't always work for everyone and that is fine. 

When I shared this desire to stay home with members of my extended family, they simply could not understand it. I started to feel discouraged and began questioning my decision. I thought that maybe I was being old fashioned. Maybe I could have a career and raise a family. 

In the months that followed, my mother and I attended an LDS women's convention. On the program to speak was a woman called Jane Clayson Johnson. Jane was speaking on a book she wrote called, I am a Mother. I was intrigued, very intrigued. Her book and talk were about her choice to leave CBS's morning show to start a family. Jane Clayson Johnson was a co anchor on the morning show. A job thousands of women wanted, and here she was leaving it all behind to start a family. I could not wait to hear what she had to stay. 

Her talk was powerful and inspiring. I immediately bought her book and had her sign it. I thanked her for her words and the peace I felt knowing that I too can be proud in my decision to be a stay at home mother. I went home and read her entire book that night. I could not put it down. Her book begins with a question, "The next time someone inquires what you do or asks you to describe yourself, [can] you say with confidence and joy, I am a mother?" - page 17 Jane Clayson Johnson's book inspires, encourages, uplifts and brings to focus the importance of being a mother. 

Lately, I have been asked questions like : What do you do all day? Aren't you bored sitting home all day? Or comments like : You should get a small part time job so you can have something to do. One day you can get a real job. Again, feeling deflated and discouraged I picked up Jane Clayson Johnson's book and re-read it. Her message was still as powerful and strong as it was when I heard her speak. 

I am not just a mother. I choose to stay home because I feel that is where I need and want to be. I have the best job in the world! I get to play with, teach, and enjoy every moment of Hannah's life. She can destroy her room exactly five minutes after I have cleaned it, pull all the freshly folded clothes out of the laundry basket, draw with pen all over the couch, and refuse to take a nap; but, I would not want it any other way. I can say with confidence and joy, I AM A MOTHER! 

image from goodreads

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