Monday, July 8, 2013

Where has the time gone!

The last time I wrote on my blog, we were saying goodbye to Aaron. Now, we only have 3 weeks till he comes home! I knew the time would go by fast and I am so grateful it did. I have a feeling these 3 weeks might end up dragging a bit because I'm just so excited! Here are some pictures to show you what Hannah and I have been doing with our time . . . . 

I was finally able to put Hannah's hair in pigtails. I know that sounds silly but I was ecstatic :)

I even forced Brynn (Hannah's cousin) to wear some.

I think I'm getting pretty good. 
Ok I won't bore you with any more pigtails. . . . . . . for now anyways

We've spend lots of time at the park.
Hannah loves going down the slide and being pushed on the swings.

We also signed up for Mummy and me swim with Kerri and Brynn. You might not think it from these pictures but they loved it!! We had a wonderful swim teacher who sang songs with them and helped them kick their feet and blow bubbles. Hannah and I just started another two weeks of Mummy and me swim because we enjoyed it so much.

Hannah graduated from her crib to her "big girl bed." Leaving me to wonder where my little baby girl went.

Lastly and the most exciting part of our stay so far, Hannah got a new cousin. David James Cornell. Hannah loved her baby cousin. She always wants to give him kisses, hold him and, make sure he has his bottle and pacifier. 

Hannah gave David her glow worm. Her worm plays music and thought David might enjoy some soothing tunes as he tried to sleep. 

Hannah and Brynn looking cute at David's baby blessing.

We have done a lot more but don't want to bore you anymore :) 
We are so excited to have Daddy home very soon.

Keep watching for some changes coming soon to the blog 

Enjoy your day
Jaimie x x x

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