Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It's a good life : Family Day at The Beach and Park!

What a beautiful day to go to the beach!
Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day

Hannah looking super cute in her ladybug swimming costume

Hannah loved loved LOVED playing in the water! 

She laughed the entire time she was playing in the water.

I didn't think we would be able to get her out.

Hannah and Brynn playing in the sand with their buckets and spades.

Hannah loved pulling the wagon along the beach.

Ashlyn helpled bury Hannah 
and Hannah helped bury Ashlyn
silly girls!

A long day at the beach left two little girls very tired.

Hannah, Pops, Nanny, Ashlyn, Brynn, and Nathan.

Off To The Park We Go
 I was pretty tired from spending most of the day at the beach so didn't get many pictures but I did discover one things from the pictures I took . . . .

Hannah loves watermelon :)

I loved spending the day with my family.
Jaimie x x 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

It's a good life: I've gone Topsy Tail Crazy!!

My friend recently gave me a Topsy Tail for Hannah's hair, and I've been going Topsy Tail crazy! 

This was how I did Hannah's hair today

It is one of my favorite looks!

I first divided the bottom part of her hair in half vertical then horizontal. This left four rectangle shapes. I then put the bottom section into a small ponytail and used my Topsy Tail. I added this bottom section into the ponytail above it and repeated the same step with the Topsy Tail.

I repeated the same steps in the front of her hair; however, with the second sections I made buns instead of using the Topsy Tail.

To finish the look I added some cute little bows.

All done :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Favorites : The Night Circus

The Night Circus
Erin Morgenstern

I recently decided I wanted to read more, so off to target I went (they have a pretty good book section there.) I saw this book sitting on the shelf and remembered a friend had recommended reading it. 

I was immediately drawn in by the cover (and I know you should never judge a book by it's cover, but I'll  admit it I like an interesting cover.) I flipped it over and read the blurb (I'm pretty sure it is called that.) 
The book seemed a little bit dark yet very intriguing so I bought it :) 

There are a few story lines going on as you read but they are all intertwining and come together at the end.
My favorite story line (and the main one) was between the two main characters, Celia Bowen and Marco Alisdair. They find themselves (without being given a choice) bound in a magical duel. The venue for this duel is The Night Circus (just know that it isn't a face to face kind off duel, but it is very creative and enchanting.) 
Of course they end up falling head over heels in love (I love a good love story) which complicates things dramatically.

The Circus shows up, without notice, in a random city around the world. No one knows when it is coming or leaving. Erin Morgenstern describes her Circus with such detail. As I read about it I felt like I was there. I would love a to visit a Circus like that. 

The Night Circus is gripping and leaves you guessing how it could possibly come to an end (although I could not have imagined such an ending.) 

I would recommend this book to everyone. It is fantasy with enough of a fairy tale romance for me to stay interested.

Let me know if you read it! 

Jaimie x x  

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What's Hannah up to? : Edible Paint

Edible Paint

I found this activity on pinterest. The original post will be at the end.

This is such a fun, quick, and easy activity for kids. 
All you need is a muffin tray (or anything to hold your paint) milk, food coloring, and food to paint.

We choose marshmallows and popcorn.

Hannah loved painting the marshmallows. 

Although her face doesn't show it, she had a lot of fun painting her food. 

She was more interested in eating the popcorn then painting it. 

I think this was a great activity for Hannah.

I would love to see your pictures if you do this activity!
You can post them on my facebook page

Original Post by skip to my lou

Jaimie x x 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Are you a pinterest addict like me!?

If you are anything like me then you are also addicted to pinterest! I absolutely love it. If I have a spare ten minutes, I'll whip out my phone, I Pad mini, or laptop and spend the next hour pinning EVERYTHING!!! At the moment, I have over 2,500 pins!! That is craziness! Although, my problem isn't with how many pins I have. My problem is with the fact I don't do anything with them. I pin everything from recipes to crafts, self improvement and activities for Hannah, and have every intention of doing them one day; however, once I close the app/site I don't do them. My goal is to start bringing these pins to life! 

My blog is going to start including more off the stuff I've pinned. I'm still going to keep you all updated with Hannah and and life as a military family, but everything I post will fall under one of these subjects or headings:

What's cooking!? 
I think this title is pretty obvious but it will be the recipes I've tried.

Let's get crafty
I'm going to tackle some of these amazing crafts I've pinned.

What's Hannah up to?
This will be activities, crafts, clothes, and everything to do with Hannah.

Life as a military wife
Once in a while I'll share some thoughts on military life, how I'm coping with Aaron being gone, and things I'm learning along the way.

Friday Favorites
Stuff I'm loving and want to share with all of you from books, makeup, hair products, blogs, etc

It's a good life
These post will be our family time and things Hannah or Aaron do that make me smile.

Lastly, Spiritual Sundays
On a Sunday, I'll post a thought, quote, or scripture that I found interesting and uplifting.

I hope you enjoy
Jaimie x x   

Where has the time gone!

The last time I wrote on my blog, we were saying goodbye to Aaron. Now, we only have 3 weeks till he comes home! I knew the time would go by fast and I am so grateful it did. I have a feeling these 3 weeks might end up dragging a bit because I'm just so excited! Here are some pictures to show you what Hannah and I have been doing with our time . . . . 

I was finally able to put Hannah's hair in pigtails. I know that sounds silly but I was ecstatic :)

I even forced Brynn (Hannah's cousin) to wear some.

I think I'm getting pretty good. 
Ok I won't bore you with any more pigtails. . . . . . . for now anyways

We've spend lots of time at the park.
Hannah loves going down the slide and being pushed on the swings.

We also signed up for Mummy and me swim with Kerri and Brynn. You might not think it from these pictures but they loved it!! We had a wonderful swim teacher who sang songs with them and helped them kick their feet and blow bubbles. Hannah and I just started another two weeks of Mummy and me swim because we enjoyed it so much.

Hannah graduated from her crib to her "big girl bed." Leaving me to wonder where my little baby girl went.

Lastly and the most exciting part of our stay so far, Hannah got a new cousin. David James Cornell. Hannah loved her baby cousin. She always wants to give him kisses, hold him and, make sure he has his bottle and pacifier. 

Hannah gave David her glow worm. Her worm plays music and thought David might enjoy some soothing tunes as he tried to sleep. 

Hannah and Brynn looking cute at David's baby blessing.

We have done a lot more but don't want to bore you anymore :) 
We are so excited to have Daddy home very soon.

Keep watching for some changes coming soon to the blog 

Enjoy your day
Jaimie x x x

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...