Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Peanut Butter Playdough

When we hit a lazy afternoon, I like to keep Hannah busy. (otherwise she'll destroy the house) I jumped on Pinterest and found a peanut butter playdough recipe on a blog called  mormon, mother, and marriage and family therapist . I choose this recipe because I had the ingredients in my cabinet. It was also super quick and easy to make.

All you need is 
1 cup of peanut butter
1/2 cup of honey and
2 cups of powdered/confetti sugar

and mix! 
it's that simple

once you get it to the consistency you like, it's time to play :)

or eat 

we used some cookie cutters to make fun shapes 

Unfortunately, the only cookie cutters I have are Christmas and heart shaped.
Luckily, Hannah doesn't care.

it kept Hannah busy for quite a while.
It turned out to be a fun afternoon!

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