Monday, March 25, 2013

a very fun weekend

On Saturday morning, Hannah, Josh, and I drove to my Mum's house.  
Hannah always has a good nap in the car.

We are moving in a couple weeks so I wanted to give my stockpile to my family.

That's a lot of stuff. My family was very happy to pick the things they wanted.

On Sunday it was Nathan's party. 
Hannah loved eating the cupcake!

It was a super fun weekend!!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Will the packing ever end!?

As you can tell by the title, today was a lot more packing. 
I think the packing was just too much for Hannah.

Hannah and I did manage to bake some brownies. They were so delicious!! 

I love having my little helper with me. 
Today she also helped me fill plastic easter eggs with candy. 

Ok, maybe she ate the candy

After a long day it is nice to relax on the couch and cuddle with her.

bonus! One week down so only one to go!! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

packing packing packing

Aaron is heading to Germany in a couple weeks. I can't believe how quickly that came. Aaron and I thought about and prayed about Hannah and I going to stay with my Mum and Dad while he is gone. We finally decided to go. Our lease for our house is up the day before Aaron leaves which is perfect timing. Also, if Hannah and I want to head to England for a little vacation we can. A couple negatives about this decision is we have to give up our beautiful house, and we have to pack up all our stuff and put it in storage. Thankfully, Josh is here this week and we were able to shift quite a bit of stuff.

Hannah, my little helper, wanted to help me pack up some of her teddy bears.

One thing I am sure about is Aaron has too much stuff!!!! 

All those boxes are Aaron's! In the six months we lived in our house he never opened one of them!! 

It doesn't look like much but that is a lot of stuff we got in there today

but still a lot to go . . . 

After all that packing and loading and unloading etc Josh and I were exhausted!! Hannah was so good today because she had to entertain herself a lot while Josh and I loaded and unloaded the car. For a little treat, I took her, and Josh, to the beach.

By the time we got there, it was a bit too chilly to really enjoy it. We ended up leaving after about 15 minutes.

We then realized we were pretty hungry so dinner and dessert time

Hannah laughing at my goofy face.

Here is a better picture 

All in all it was a busy but fun day!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

park with friends and new hair

Every Wednesday our ward has a mummy and kids park day. This week there were a lot of mummy's and kids. Hannah had a blast going on those things that rock back and forth. (I don't know what those things are called)

Hannah did go on the swings for a little bit but she seems to get bored with it.

Her favourite thing to do at the park is go down the slide. Usually, myself, husband, or whoever will place her at the top of the slide then someone else will catches her at bottom. Today Hannah wanted to do it all by herself. Watching her go down the slide without help made me realize just how much she is growing! I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Of course when she reached the bottom she just had to play with those woodchips :)

The best part about Hannah playing at the park, non stop for an hour and a half, is when she got home this happened. . . 

for two hours!!

maybe we'll go to the park everyday ;)

Hannah and Uncle Josh stayed home while I went and got my hair done. I drove an hour and fifteen minutes to get my hair done by my friend Shelly. I know you are thinking I'm crazy!!! Why drive so far? Simple, Shelly is AMAZING!!! I would rather drive that far for a great hair cut then five minutes and be disappointed. I don't have pictures yet but will post some soon.

and that was our day. We are half way through our first week. Daddy will be home in 9 days!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Peanut Butter Playdough

When we hit a lazy afternoon, I like to keep Hannah busy. (otherwise she'll destroy the house) I jumped on Pinterest and found a peanut butter playdough recipe on a blog called  mormon, mother, and marriage and family therapist . I choose this recipe because I had the ingredients in my cabinet. It was also super quick and easy to make.

All you need is 
1 cup of peanut butter
1/2 cup of honey and
2 cups of powdered/confetti sugar

and mix! 
it's that simple

once you get it to the consistency you like, it's time to play :)

or eat 

we used some cookie cutters to make fun shapes 

Unfortunately, the only cookie cutters I have are Christmas and heart shaped.
Luckily, Hannah doesn't care.

it kept Hannah busy for quite a while.
It turned out to be a fun afternoon!

yummy pancakes and silly faces

This morning I had the idea to have Hannah help me make some pancakes. It started off great and then Hannah realized how much fun it is to grab huge handfuls of pancake batter and squeeze! I waited till after Josh had ate all his pancakes before I told him that part :)

They did turn out quite delicious despite Hannah playing in the batter.

One thing Hannah loves to do is stare at herself in the mirror (hmm I wonder where she gets that from?) This was her after I finished brushing her teeth.

she sure is one cute kid!

Monday, March 18, 2013

it's Monday

Today we went to target because we needed some ground turkey for dinner. I always have to walk around the little dollar section to see what new stuff they have and Hannah found these . . .


as we continued to walk around the store, Hannah saw a Yo Gabba Gabba jacket in her clothing section. She loves Yo Gabba Gabba and goes crazy when she spots anything with their faces on it. I looked on the rack and found, in her size, the Foofa shirt I had been trying to get for the longest time! They've never ever had her size! I was pretty excited about it and so was Hannah.

This is Foofa but the only character Hannah can say is Toodee (the blue one) so if you ask Hannah who is on her shirt she'll tell you Toodee :)

For our family home evening activity I took Hannah and Josh to get some frozen yogurt (and I know this is not part of my on again off again plant based diet) but it was delicious!

I always get dutch chocolate with one topping and tonight it was brownie bits. Josh got some chocolate and red velvet mashup and Hannah got some candy. 

don't worry I didn't let her eat all that candy.

We then came home and cuddled up and watched a movie. Well Josh and Hannah cuddled and I edited our day at the park but all in all it was good day! only eleven more days till Daddy is back home! 

Oh that's a big yawn Hannah

fun at the park

Sunday afternoon, Josh (my little brother) and I took Hannah to the park. . .


Yesterday, Hannah and I said goodbye to our marine for a couple weeks. He went for some training with the Marine Corps. To be without him for a couple weeks isn't a big deal; however, I was so sad yesterday and I think I figured out why. 2013 has already and will continue to be full of goodbyes. A week after he gets back from this training he'll be heading to Europe for four months. Plus, he'll have a month long field training. All leading up to a probable eight month deployment. Yesterday was the reality of what life is going to be like for a while.  So, if Aaron is going to be gone what am I going to do. I figure I have two options. One, sit at home and be sad about it. . . . or plan some fun things for Hannah and I to do! I think I'll plan some fun activities :)
I'll post pictures and videos of what we are up to. This way you can all see them and so can Aaron!

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...